Of all our farm cats, this guy is probably the most content. He spends most of the day sleeping, draped across the railing of our deck, or on the seat of my swing. All the same, as soon as there is any sound or movement, he is instantly awake and checking things out. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all achieve perfect relaxation and then be 100% "on" and focused when we need to be?
All of my life I have been a "doer", an achievement-oriented person, constantly thinking and in motion. From the time I was a child, being raised in the intensity of our work ethic on the farm, I soon learned that my greatest value was when I was working, contributing, and accomplishing things. I've also been driven by the need to create and experience the joy of creation. I love the tangible evidence of my thoughts, knowing that my creations are the embodiment of my ideas that now exist independent of me.
I am only lately beginning to realize the value of just "being" as well as "doing". There is satisfaction in existing as well as producing. I like to take a few moments out of the day to just be still, empty my mind, become aware of things both inside and outside of myself. There is joy in that kind of "in the moment" contentment. It's like a mini mental and physical renewal. Then I can get back to my creating with more energy and focus!
hi grandma